Tuesday 22 June 2010

We've got Elvis........he lives!

We've got the incredible Paul Rouse as Elvis headlining the Gala, how fabulous is that!!!!!!
And to top it off we've got Nigel Smith from Readings Got Talent fame lol, as the fantastic Berkshire Bard. This is starting to look like a great night out what more could you ask for.

Saturday 19 June 2010

We've got a date

We've got a date for what seemed just like an idea only a few weeks ago, something fun to do, you know the sort of thing idle conversation "we could hold a Women V Cancer charity gala" Well......it's 30Th October 2010......can we pull it off? can we get entertainment? can we get sponsorship? can we get auction/raffle prizes? can we get printers? can we...can we...can we...the list goes on.
Thanks to my friend Gini the fantastic Tony from The Calcot hotel is on board and is being absolutely super, the date is being held for 10 days to see if we can get as much in place as possible to make it a goer!!!! Now Barb and I are scared, stressed and very very excited.
What shall we have as a theme? Halloween Ball, Black tie and tiara, A night in Vegas? so many ideas so little time. "Keep it simple" "Make sure it's good value for money but not to cheap, remember your fund-raising" I'm advised but what's simple and what's good value for money.
Heads starting to feel very full lol need a glass of wine ..................oh no it's only 09:03 am!